iRobot - Braava jet m6 拖地機器人 (白色)【香港行貨】
iRobot - Braava jet m6 拖地機器人 (白色)【香港行貨】
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iRobot再推全新智慧拖地機器人「Braava jet m6」,各有專精,只為做到最好!
地板清潔必須講求全方位!iRobot第四季再度推出全新智慧拖地機器人「Braava jet m6」,為居家智能清潔提供最完整的解決方案。iRobot始終堅持掃、拖分開,讓掃拖兩款機器人相輔相成。Braava jet m6不僅擁有與Roomba i7系列一樣強大的iAdaptTM 3.0視覺定位導航專利,能邊掃邊繪製精確地圖,其ImprintTM串連科技,能與Roomba i7系列連結,彼此智慧溝通,仿照真人清掃習慣「先乾掃後濕拖」,由掃地機器人除去微塵與毛髮後,再交由拖地機器人噴水並軟化汙垢,帶走頑強汙漬,彼此默契溝通,共同打造智慧又乾淨的家居空間,完美清潔拍檔非它們莫屬!市面上唯一能模仿真人拖地的智慧型機器人!
Braava jet m6與前一代Braava jet 240一樣具備獨家精準噴灑科技,是業界唯一能利用噴水將汙垢軟化的拖地機器人。前方感應器可偵測牆面與障礙物不會對其噴水,髒汙偵測感應器讓機器人仿照真人跪地清掃,前後來回擦拭,直到一塵不染。完美90°方形機身設計,能深入邊角清掃,不遺漏任何髒汙。
Braava jet m6具備「水洗型」與「拋棄式」清潔墊雙重選擇,用戶選擇「乾擦」或「濕拖」模式,一機滿足不同拖地需求,只要裝上清潔墊,機器人就會自動切換模式,打理各種硬質地板。「乾擦清潔墊」擁有特殊厚層毛海,可提高靜電吸附毛髮與微塵的效果;「濕拖清潔墊」則擁有多層次棉絨,能與地面更緊密的貼合,並利用表面粗纖維帶走塵垢;超導流花紋讓水分擴散均勻,並帶走多餘水分。使用後只需輕輕一按退出鍵,清潔墊就會自動掉入垃圾桶,貼心不髒手。
Braava jet m6回充續拖功能,能聰明保留足夠電力返航充電,並且在充電結束後返回未完成的位置繼續清掃行程,無需從頭再來。機身配備超大容量水箱 (約450ml),不擔心補水問題,搭配專屬清潔劑使用,能隨時保持地板明亮,滿足大坪數與寵物環境清掃需求!
iRobot HOME App不僅能指定清掃空間,畫出阻隔範圍,還能於App上根據擦拭的次數選擇仔細、深層與廣泛覆蓋清掃,即使無人在家也能自主完成掃拖任務,讓居家清潔隨心所欲!Braava jet m6的超靜音設計,能在工作或睡眠時做到完全無干擾,極「勁」除汙、極「靜」運行!
Set your clean to jet power.
Precision Jet Spray loosens dirt and sticky messes without spraying furniture, rugs, or walls.
Double down on messes.
Attach a Braava jet® Cleaning Pad and the robot automatically selects the cleaning method. Wet Mopping pads feature wicking fibers and help break-up sticky messes, grime,* and kitchen grease. Dry Sweeping pads use electrostatic force to capture dirt, dust, and pet hair.
Ready to go when you’re on the go.
Control from your smartphone. The iRobot HOME App gives you complete control from anywhere—letting you schedule, customize, and select the rooms you want cleaned.
Clean home, smarter.
With breakthrough Imprint™ Technology, we’re building a world where robots intelligently communicate with each other and the rest of your connected home. Because our goal is not just to create a home that’s smarter–it’s to create a home that takes care of itself.
Product Height: 10.6 inches
Manufacturer's Warranty - Parts: 1 Year
Bagless: No
Filter Type: None
Charger Included: Yes
Self-Charging: Yes
Attachments Included: 2 wet mopping pads, 2 dry sweeping pads
Wet And Dry Usage: Yes
Remote Control: No
Multi Surface: Yes
Cleaning Path Width: 10.7 inches
Auto Docking And Recharging: Yes
App-Controlled: Yes
Edge Cleaning: Yes
Voltage: 10.8 volts
Product Weight: 5.3 pounds
Battery Size: Battery pack
Product Width: 3.5 inches
Mop: Damp and dry cloths
Manufacturer's Warranty - Labor: 1 Year
Works With: Amazon Alexa
Vacuum Type: Robotic mop
Bin Capacity: 0 gallons
Color Category: White
Color: White
Batteries Included: Yes
Connectivity Technology: Wi-Fi
Compatible Floor Type: Bamboo
Product Name: Braava jet m6 App-Controlled Self-Charging Robot Mop
Brand: iRobot
Product Length: 10 inches
Room-By-Room Navigation: Yes
Model Number: M611020
Corded/Cordless: Cordless